May 2023 Auction Results
May 30, 2023 07:46 ET
Click on the link for the actual document. For posterity: Species Offered % Sold Section Average Top Beaver 40,757 100% 1st Section Eastern 1st Section Western 3rd Section Overall $29.32 $27.68 $27.77 $28.84 $64.00 Castoreum Unsold Mink 4,129 32% Overall $8.84 $10.00 Sable 17,141 100% 1 st Section HVY 1 st Section SEMI M&S Section III Overall $49.30 $40.47 $24.76 $19.90 $41.48 $80.00 Otter 4,346 74% 1 st Section Overall $28.83 $27.02 $66.00 Fisher 4,353 73% Females Males 1 st Section $34.48 $43.79 $39.34 $84.00 Lynx 1,809 100% 1st Section $114.22 $180.00 Lynx Cat 6,367 53% Canadian Northern Western Overall Western P/L Central $126.37 $95.75 $251.59 $203.57 $107.69 $240.00 $180.00 $1000.00 $700.00 $200.00 Muskrat 266,541 Mainly Unsold $7.50 Red Fox 8,269 67% Eastern Northern Western Central $10.25 $19.47 $10.07 $4.53 $52.00 Cross Fox 149 100% 1st Section $40.85 $59.00 Grey Fox 718 74% Eastern Western $11.63 $9.85 $26.00 White Fox 407 100% 1st Section $58.18 $100.00 Silver Fox 27 100% Overall $32.43 $61.00 Coyote 41,855 23% Western Eastern Eastern US Overall $24.87 $11.20 $4.21 $18.88 $160.00 Raccoon 34,780 46% Canadian Western HVY Eastern US $7.53 $3.38 $2.58 $16.00 Ermine 5,628 100% 1st Section $4.33 $22.50 Squirrel 7,492 79% 1st Section $1.01 $1.50 Skunk 1,716 99% 1st Section $12.66 $32.00 Badger 205 100% 1st Section $29.56 $71.00 Opossum 7,176 Mainly Unsold $3.00 Wolverine 149 99% 1 st Section $407.15 $680.00 Timber Wolf 542 94% Arctic Eastern Western Black $251.06 $155.83 $206.72 $507.76 $1040.00 Black Bear 167 99% Overall $174.25 $410.00 Full story here.
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