Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

March 2023 Auction Results UPDATED (with letter)
Apr 4, 2023 06:33 ET

Text for posterity only. Click on the link above to read it properly.

SALE RESULTS – MARCH 20-22, 2023
Species Offered % Sold Section Average Top
Beaver 31,405 100% Overall $30.33 $126.00
Western Select
$95.00 / lb
Grade #1
$75.00 / lb
Grade #2
Reconsign: $53.00 / lb
Fresh Western: $53.00 / lb
Fresh Eastern: Mainly Unsold
Grade #3
$ 21.00 / lb
Mink 7,612 98% Overall $3.55 $12.00
Sable 28,366 100%
st Section HVY
st Section SEMI
Section III
Otter 3,061 88% 1
st Section $29.93 $58.00
Fisher 4,434 89% 1
st Section $40.31 $58.00
Lynx 1,153 99% 1
st Section $121.61 $165.00
Lynx Cat 4,116 77%
Western P/L
Muskrat 246,089 Mainly Unsold – Held to values $11.50
Red Fox 10,190 76%
Cross Fox 218 100% 1
st Section $43.59 $61.00
Grey Fox 1,389 84% Overall $12.40 $20.00
White Fox 333 100% Overall $60.82 $170.00
Silver Fox 48 100% Overall $35.19 $54.00
Coyote 45,440 60% Western
$14.75 $120.00
Raccoon 34,552 78%
Western HVY
Eastern US
Ermine 5,332 100% Overall $4.80 $17.25
Squirrel 9,425 100% Overall $1.32 $2.00
Skunk 670 96% Overall $16.43 $29.00
Badger 167 100% Overall $20.68 $62.00
Opossum 7,878 18% Overall $1.87 $3.90
Wolverine 93 99% Overall $441.91 $590.00
Timber Wolf 405 96%
Black Bear 217 99% Overall $176.66 $1020.00

SALE RESULTS – MARCH 20-22, 2023
Having just finalized our first live International auction since 2019 we are very pleased with the overall
outcome. Since the Covid 19 pandemic FHA has been holding auctions on an online platform that was
developed in-house. All the world’s remaining auction houses were forced to do the same thing and some
continue to do so. This past March 2023 auction drew the largest attendance we have hosted in many
years. International buyers from Turkey, China, Korea, Italy, London, Hong Kong, Greece and
throughout North America competed during the three day auction.
Most wild fur articles realized healthy increases and clearances were 100% on many. The exception was
muskrats, which remained mainly unsold as we held to previous valuations this past auction. We believe
this position is the right one as ranch mink are selling at stronger levels now and by May we are
optimistic muskrats will start moving.
As many of you were aware our March 2020 auction was set to be held in Toronto at the old NAFA
facility in an effort to help sell off the inventory held by their shippers. Days prior to this event Canada
shut down all international travel and our borders closed. Throughout this entire time we have done our
best to navigate selling to the world through the internet and survived surprisingly well.
Not a single soul could have predicted this pandemic hanging on for three years. What was predicted and
stated confidently throughout these difficult times was” it will be the Loyal Supporters of this auction
house that will see the best results when we start hosting live auctions”. The only way to determine the
real market for wild fur is through the auction process with global competition. Any other method finds
trappers selling to middlemen which has always been an option but in reality were the reason this auction
house was created. The results as laid out below prove this to be the case and we are back in the LIVE
AUCTION business.
It is our view that our business is now well on its way for another good run ahead and that strengthening
prices on most items will continue. The market for beaver is deep and it is expected to carry on for some
years. It is not cowboy hats driving this but a strong felting industry for fashion on a wide range of styles
in demand in Europe and North America. The best quality beaver will increase as they are needed for the
garment industry and North Bay has always been known to have the finest graded assortment in the
The results of our recent sale are proof things are improving. These results breathe life into the wild fur
industry and will help in boosting production for next season.
We are in the process of developing a current market and promotional column which trappers can log into
to receive real factual market conditions. It will be delivered by a knowledgeable team that is actually in
the business, compiled by our auctioneers and international solicitors. A team made up of those who
know personally all the players in the global fur trade. This we feel is deeply needed because if you’re
outside looking in it’s impossible to have a credible factual account of what really goes on in this global
fur trade.
Our next auction is set for May 26th thru to May 28th and reservations are already being made.
Mark Downey
Chief Executive Officer
Fur Harvesters Auction Inc

Full story here.