Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

DC: Beaver "coexistence" bill introduced into House
Dec 14, 2022 16:52 ET

Bill Title: H.R.9501 - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a grant program to assist projects that use nonlethal coexistence measures to reduce property damage caused by beavers, and for other purposes.

Text: H.R.9501 — 117th Congress (2021-2022)All Information (Except Text)
As of 12/14/2022 text has not been received for H.R.9501 - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a grant program to assist projects that use nonlethal coexistence measures to reduce property damage caused by beavers, and for other purposes.

Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from GPO, the Government Publishing Office, a day or two after they are introduced on the floor of the House or Senate. Delays can occur when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed.

Full story here.